

Hear what our clients have to say about working with us

“Without [Alchemy] the business just wouldn't be where it's at now.”
Shamus, co-founder of The Same Mind Group

Shamus was juggling the financial admin of his three creative agencies. When he outsourced it to Alchemy, he finally got the space he needed to focus on growth.

Find out how we gave Shamus the right financial systems for his business to grow at speed.

Read Shamus and Charlie’s story

The same mind case study
“They held our hands right through the process of setting up every one of our systems.”
Andy, co-founder of Story+

When Andy and Matt set up their media agency, they wanted clear answers about their legal obligations.

From VAT to PAYE, we guided them through their responsibilities so they could focus on confidently getting their business off the ground.

“The sooner you work with someone like Craig, it’s one less thing for you to lose sleep over.”
Matt, co-founder of Dodo Digital

First-time founders Matt and Peter were under pressure to make the right decisions in their paid media agency.

When Craig gave them industry-specific benchmarks to measure progress, it kept the business on track and gave the founders confidence in their progress in a highly competitive space.

Read Matt and Peter’s story

Dodo digital success story book

An accountant in your industry can be transformative.

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